Love. A four letter word that can fill a person with many emotions: hope, sadness, loathing, self-doubt, happiness, excitement, and the list continues... It can fill the heart with joy or promote a sense of dread. At least the kind of love to which I am referring. Because so many times, the word also gets tossed about casually. “I love that color”, “I love these donuts”, “That movie? I loved it!” Or my pet peeve as people say goodbye to their friends, “Love ya!” Ugh. Why flippantly use such a powerful word? Does overusing a word negate or diminish its meaning? I think so. The more times you say a word, the easier it to say, sure. But the opposite is also true: the less you use a word, the more impact it can have. For example, I can count on one hand the number of times I heard my dad say a cuss word—even the lighter ones like hell or damn. The few times I did hear him say it, it was so out of character that I laughed out loud (literally, not just lol) in disbelief. It shoc...