Moving...Part Deux

As I sit here in my IKEA Poäng chair amidst boxes, I’m reminded how it’s the simple things that really make my life enjoyable. I have very few things. And what I do have are good quality items.

I've learned to pursue good quality over the years. It’s a personal choice, but I’d rather have one very nice thing than a dozen mediocre things.

Living in apartments for the past several years, I’ve seen a lot of people come and go, and most folks have very large trailers. I’ve always wondered how they fit all that stuff in a tiny 600 or 700 square foot place—even 1000 square feet.

My mind then wanders to how they acquired all that stuff. Where do they store all that stuff? And WHY do they store it?

Is it something in our genetic code that says, “Look…we might need this in the future, so we’d best keep it…” Sure, I see the logic in that genetic trait. But unless you’re consistently using the stuff, why keep it?

I have a great friend who LOVES books. She always reads the latest novels. But she does something very neat. When she’s finished, she passes-on the book to someone else. This both de-clutters her house and saves someone else money they’d otherwise spend—all while showing her generosity. What a great concept!

So, when I look at the dozen or so boxes scattered around this little apartment, I’m grateful to be semi-minimalist. And I hope to stay that way. Because very shortly I’ll be loading my stuff into a small trailer—in 115 degrees heat!!!

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